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Man Boxing

Smithfield Boxing Club

Smithfield Amateur Boxing Club, Aughrim St. Sports Hall, Dublin 7

Smithfield Boxing Club
Aughrim Street Sports Hall
Aughrim Street
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About us

As the premier boxing club in Dublin, we have around 60 members in total ranging from 9 year olds to people close to their 60s. However, because there are so many groups training at different times, the hall never gets too packed. We also have a decent coach to pupil ratio, meaning that no one gets neglected. No boxer/fitness enthusiast is ever thought of as taking up space in the club.

New members (male or female) are more than welcome to join anytime regardless of nationality, race, age, religious creed or ethnic background.

The founding member, Igor Khmil has been coaching many of the current Smithfield team since January 2001. During that time, some members won titles at county, provincial and national levels, with some going on to represent Ireland internationally. These members have featured on our national television station (RTE), along with interviews in local newspapers such as the Evening Herald and the Observer.

With the help of sponsorship from the public and funding from Dublin City Council, we were able to find our current premises within Aughrim Street Dublin City Council Sports Centre. Our club was affiliated to the IABA in February 2008.

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Smithfield Boxing Club